Wednesday 12 September 2007

Read Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock Collection

If you enjoy the movies from Alfred Hitchcock then you will be very happy to know there are great collections of his work available. The Hitchcock Masterpiece Collection features 14 films that have been digitally re-mastered on DVD’s. They cover thirty years of work that Hitchcock completed in his role as producer.

The collection includes Saboteur, Shadow of a Doubt, Rope, Rear Window, The Trouble with Harry, The Man who Knew Too Much, Vertigo, Psycho, The Birds, Marnie, Torn Curtain, Topaz, Frenzy, and Family Plot. This collection retails for about $100.

There are some Hitchcock collections that are based on themes. A great one is Alfred Hitchcock: The Master of Suspense. This is a five DVD set that covers 14 hours of movies. They include The Lodger which is a silent film from 1927, The Ring, Juno and the Paycock, Rich and Strange, Blackmail, The Man who Knew too Much, Sabotage, Secret Agent, Young and Innocent, and The Lady Vanishes.

The Alfred Hitchcock signature collection is a ten disc DVD set. It features Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Foreign Correspondent, Suspicion, Stage Fright, Strangers on a Train, Confess, Dial M for Murder, The Wrong Man, and North by Northwest.

If you have some of the Hitchcock films but you are missing a few of your favorites you can purchase them individually. It is perfectly acceptable to create your own Hitchcock collection full of the films you enjoy watching the most. If you only have a couple of favorites then this may be more economical. However if you plan to purchase numerous Hitchcock movies you may want to buy one of the collections because it is cheaper than buying individual movies.

For the very best quality make sure you only by original Alfred Hitchcock collection’s. You don’t want to be disappointed when you find out what you paid for was nothing more than a bootleg collection that someone made at home from their own collection of movies. You can buy these Alfred Hitchcock collection items at most movie stores and in some retail stores. If you don’t find what you are looking for most stores are willing to order it for you. The internet is a good place to find them as well.

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