Thursday 13 September 2007

Global Warming

Causes of Global Warming

Global warming is the concept of the temperature of the Earth continually rising. The results of this are changes in the climate and various health risks. There are many different events that lend their hand to the problems caused by global warming. As industrialization continues to grow there are consequences. The amount of pollution that is released into the environment on a daily basis by these businesses is unbelievable.

The sheer volume of people in the world is a cause of global warming. They amount of resources they use collectively for energy is out of control. Most individuals use these energy sources when they want to without giving it any thought. Turning on lights when they aren’t needed, driving vehicles, and turning up the heat instead of grabbing a sweater all contribute to using more energy. In turn that affects global warming.

In addition the plants that create power for individuals to use release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the environment. This is the result of burning fossil fuels to keep up with the demand for energy. Most power plants use coal to create energy instead of natural gas. While it is cheaper it puts three times more carbon dioxide into the environment.

Trees and plants use carbon dioxide so they are able to pull a great deal of it from the atmosphere. However the number of forests that are continually being cut away to clear the land for other use, make lumber, make paper, and various other products means that there are fewer trees to absorb that large amount of carbon dioxide. The result is it continues to linger in the atmosphere.

Global warming is also the result of individual choices. While most of us are aware of the concept of global warming we don’t do much to make changes to our habits or lifestyles. We have come to enjoy various aspects of our lives too much to do without them. Many people have the attitude that since the effects of global warming won’t be too severe in their lifetime then they don’t need to worry about it. However they fail to realize that many problems right now are the cause of global warming including natural disasters.

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