Thursday 13 September 2007

Cannes Film Featival

Cannes Film Festival

Film festivals are a very common activity for the performing arts. The best known film festival of all is the Cannes that originated in France in 1939. It is considered to be one of the oldest running film festivals as well a the most prestigious. The Cannes film festival takes place each year in May at the Palais de Festivals et des Congres. It was built in 1949 to host the Cannes film festival. The festival lasts for a full 11 days each year.

The Cannes film festival is recognized as the place for French films to get the publicity they need to be in the public eye. The Cannes film festival is a huge tourist attraction. People come from all over to be part of the festival, view the films, see movie stars, and enjoy the various foods and activities taking place during the 11 day stretch of the film festival.

One of the highlights of the Cannes film festival is watching the stars and the producers take their walk down the red carpet. It is very glamorous and an exciting part of the entire festival. Many people come to the Cannes film festival for this part of it more than anything else that is offered.

You can view a complete listing of the films that have been presented at the Cannes film festival online. You can also find out about upcoming activities for the next Cannes film festival. If you are planning to come to the area specifically for the film festival make sure you make your travel arrangements well in advance. The 2008 Cannes film festival is scheduled for May 14th through the 25th.

Global Warming

Causes of Global Warming

Global warming is the concept of the temperature of the Earth continually rising. The results of this are changes in the climate and various health risks. There are many different events that lend their hand to the problems caused by global warming. As industrialization continues to grow there are consequences. The amount of pollution that is released into the environment on a daily basis by these businesses is unbelievable.

The sheer volume of people in the world is a cause of global warming. They amount of resources they use collectively for energy is out of control. Most individuals use these energy sources when they want to without giving it any thought. Turning on lights when they aren’t needed, driving vehicles, and turning up the heat instead of grabbing a sweater all contribute to using more energy. In turn that affects global warming.

In addition the plants that create power for individuals to use release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the environment. This is the result of burning fossil fuels to keep up with the demand for energy. Most power plants use coal to create energy instead of natural gas. While it is cheaper it puts three times more carbon dioxide into the environment.

Trees and plants use carbon dioxide so they are able to pull a great deal of it from the atmosphere. However the number of forests that are continually being cut away to clear the land for other use, make lumber, make paper, and various other products means that there are fewer trees to absorb that large amount of carbon dioxide. The result is it continues to linger in the atmosphere.

Global warming is also the result of individual choices. While most of us are aware of the concept of global warming we don’t do much to make changes to our habits or lifestyles. We have come to enjoy various aspects of our lives too much to do without them. Many people have the attitude that since the effects of global warming won’t be too severe in their lifetime then they don’t need to worry about it. However they fail to realize that many problems right now are the cause of global warming including natural disasters.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Legacy of Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock’s Legacy

Alfred Hitchcock can easily be recognized as one of the very best producers and screenwriters in history. He wrote excellent thriller movies that used the element of surprise along with some scary scenes to entrance the audience.

He also wrote a few humorous productions. While critics of his films were unkind and dissected his work the audiences loved it. There was never a shortage of actors or actresses who wanted to be in his films or people lined up to go see them.

Even though there are plenty of more advanced techniques for creating films today than in the early 1900’s the legacy of Hitchcock lives on. He is credited with developing the foundation with the right ingredients for creating a successful suspense film. Many producers still look at his work as part of what got them interested in the film industry. He reported with the cast and crew of his movies is something that many great producers try to replicate.

Hitchcock was well known for having the script written with the very details for how the scene should be carried out as well. He always had a vision of what he wanted his final work to look like. While he was easy to get along with he demanded quality performers who could do the part in the manner in which he intended it to be. Hitchcock was not one for improvising or modifications on screen.

While Hitchcock was never honored with an Academy Award for best Director those close to him say it didn’t matter. He wasn’t in the industry for the publicity. In 1967 he was bestowed a very high honor though. He received the Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The award is reserved for producers who show integrity and creativity.

The legacy of Alfred Hitchcock lives on today. Some of his films including Psycho and Vertigo are classics that have never lost their appeal with the audience. While it seems he did not get the recognition he deserved in his lifetime for his efforts there is plenty of praise for it now. You can find entire collections of his films online.

Read Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock Collection

If you enjoy the movies from Alfred Hitchcock then you will be very happy to know there are great collections of his work available. The Hitchcock Masterpiece Collection features 14 films that have been digitally re-mastered on DVD’s. They cover thirty years of work that Hitchcock completed in his role as producer.

The collection includes Saboteur, Shadow of a Doubt, Rope, Rear Window, The Trouble with Harry, The Man who Knew Too Much, Vertigo, Psycho, The Birds, Marnie, Torn Curtain, Topaz, Frenzy, and Family Plot. This collection retails for about $100.

There are some Hitchcock collections that are based on themes. A great one is Alfred Hitchcock: The Master of Suspense. This is a five DVD set that covers 14 hours of movies. They include The Lodger which is a silent film from 1927, The Ring, Juno and the Paycock, Rich and Strange, Blackmail, The Man who Knew too Much, Sabotage, Secret Agent, Young and Innocent, and The Lady Vanishes.

The Alfred Hitchcock signature collection is a ten disc DVD set. It features Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Foreign Correspondent, Suspicion, Stage Fright, Strangers on a Train, Confess, Dial M for Murder, The Wrong Man, and North by Northwest.

If you have some of the Hitchcock films but you are missing a few of your favorites you can purchase them individually. It is perfectly acceptable to create your own Hitchcock collection full of the films you enjoy watching the most. If you only have a couple of favorites then this may be more economical. However if you plan to purchase numerous Hitchcock movies you may want to buy one of the collections because it is cheaper than buying individual movies.

For the very best quality make sure you only by original Alfred Hitchcock collection’s. You don’t want to be disappointed when you find out what you paid for was nothing more than a bootleg collection that someone made at home from their own collection of movies. You can buy these Alfred Hitchcock collection items at most movie stores and in some retail stores. If you don’t find what you are looking for most stores are willing to order it for you. The internet is a good place to find them as well.